You absolutely cannot front on that. Cannot.

Birthdays are tough for me....and turning 37 when you still feel 17 is even tougher. But somehow every year my sweet, sexy, college girl manages to turn it into the best day of the year. Hell, if she keeps this up I may even end up looking forward to my birthdays. Maybe.
That's an awesome cake! Happy Birthday and enjoy #37!
Thanks Hoyt....mmmm, it is awesome!
Happy f-ing birthday, you beer-swilling delinquent.
Happy birthday, man. One of the things I like best about you is that you know how good you got it.
I'll take a corner slice, please.
Wait...did you say "37." Dude, you're one of those old geezers now, like the ones you've been making fun of all your life! :)
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