1. Exile on Main Street- Greatest. RocknRoll. Album. Ever. Seriously, there is no need to discuss this.
2. So You Think You Can Dance - That’s right, I’m watching this show. Although I despise “reality TV" (and most television shows on pure principle) somehow I got hooked on this show. I think I enjoy the competition aspect more than anything, or that’s what I tell myself. I picked my winner, Benji the swing dancer, the second week of the show and I’m sticking with him. I like his cousin Heidi too. Not only can she dance like crazy, she’s got the whole Jerri Blank thing going for her. She’s no “boozer, a user and a loser” but if you watch the show you’ll know what I mean. While I’m at it, Dmitry cracks me up. I keep expecting him to bust out “My love for you is ticking clock BERSERKER!” Once again, watch the show and I think you’ll agree with me.
3. Uninvited Houseguests – Not my family….this time.

4. Bloggers Archives – For some reason I’ve never delved into other bloggers archives, but ever since Hoyt suggested I read one of his older posts I've been hooked. There’s some really good stuff in the Donutbuzz archives, and if you haven't checked them out before then by all means get to it. I haven’t decided whose archives to plunder next week, but I’ll keep you updated.
5. Halloween in July – It's always Halloween in the Lantern household. Always.

7. Weenie Awards – Stanton has already chosen two winners, but I'm still pulling for the Snack Bar at the Kanawha County Courthouse. Go Snack Bar at the Kanawha County Courthouse, I believe in you!!!
Okay so far Stanton has awarded three Weenie awards....and no love for the SBATKCC. Still, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Hey, thanks for reading and enjoying the archives.
I dig the Halloween picture. Also, I had tried to post a comment earlier about the uninvited houseguest. My guess was a bat. I hope I'm right.
Thanks Hoyt, and you are right on! It's a bat..and it's in our attic. We're not 100% on how we're going to get rid of it yet. I've been seeing the bat poop in the same spot for a long time and I thought it was a really quiet mouse. I guess I should have looked up....
Yeah, my comments are acting wacky. I don't know what's going on.
Four awards now, and still no Courthouse Dogs. Two categories left: Could it happen? Stay tuned.
A good pellet gun and a cold, heartless attitude toward flying mammals will get rid of your guest. If you can get a picture you can get a shot!
I killed a bat with a raquetball raquet once. Hit it dead on, in flight. I wouldn't recommend it...it was messy.
Well, using a pellet gun sounds better than a raquetball raquet (LMAO Film Geek), but I just don't know.
I'ts just...complicated.
For someone who is supposed to be anonymous I sure am easy to find...
Per the Lantern Rules of Engagement Section 138 Article 20: "No one may traverse the great expanse between Jackie's blog and Mrs. Lanterns blog." So it is written, so be it.
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